Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tue. 5.26.09
-Oatmeal with mixed nuts
-bought some Chilean sea bass (about 6 oz.) and a tiny pumpernickel/nut roll in the morning in anticipation of the busy day. I had 6 clients scheduled within 7.5 hours which is really tight.
-1 apple
After my clients, Scott and I met close to the train station where I was leaving from. A good friend of mine was in town doing his musician thing and so he met us too; I had 3 bottles of bud.
-for the train, I bought a small salad of greens, tofu, beans, cheese, onions, cucumbers, low fat dressing
-bought a small bag of pretzels on the train
-1 glass of wine

I knew I had a tight schedule so I got to my first client early-we wkt. in the park by the kids’ playground. I did 5 sets:
-jump step downs against the ladder (where you hold on and do the jumps off the ladder)-10 each side
-negative only chin ups; then assisted ones; about 10 reps
-plyometric push ups against the park bench; 10 reps
-crunches on the bench: I have gotten so much stronger…started with being able to do just a couple without assistance; now I got to 18-20 reps!!
-was not able to meet one client so wound up with more time….was able to walk between all clients so got a few miles in.

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