Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mon. 6.1.09
Wow its june already! I am vacillating between finishing this and not caring anymore! I want to be really strict and lose some fat and be done with this! I feel like I am going through the mental stuff my clients always talk about; changing goals, not caring about what you thought you cared about…..you know? I am not sure the effort it is taking for me to be really lean is important enough…I mean the way I feel and look now is great. I don’t know….
-I guess I was subconsciously thinking of this (and feeling so bloated pre-menstrual), and tired from working all weekend, that I just ate like crazy. Or are those just excuses…or all of the above??
-started off great with yogurt parfait from Starbucks
-one hour later I had a flat everything bagel with cream cheese. Not a huge amt. of food but so good!!
-2 hours later I had one of those huge dark chocolate/peanut butter cookies from LeVain bakery on the upper west side. I would say it must be about 400 calories.
-a few hours later I had a beer and some French fries with a friend….the skinny, crispy fries that are so freakin’ good!
-at night I had 1 piece of pizza
-small piece of spinach roll
-one serving of the cauliflower/spinach/pesto casserole
-3 glasses wine
-small piece of chocolate from Italy from a client-thanks S!!

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