Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sun. 6.21.09
I have to say, I am very proud of myself. I love the way my midsection looks in the morning!!! Really good-I can see ab outlines. EXCELLENT!!!

10 cherries
½ falafel burger with pepper jack cheese
Met Scott in the city when he got back from MN., had one slice of super thin crust pizza; we were checking it out for my birthday party on the 9th. Delicious!
1 gin and tonic
We got home and ordered sushi; had about 10-12 pieces of different rolls.
-1 glass wine

I was going to go see my neice’s soccer game and planned not to wkt., but then our plans changed so I went to the gym. My legs are noticeably sore from the faster laps yesterday---guess I need that!
-did 50 min. cardio
-2 sets of rows and ab crunches with cable
-2 sets of lateral raises and horizontal rows with dumbbells
-5 sets of 10 ab things; either with the wheel, or leg lowering/reverse crunches with 8lb. medball between legs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Annette sounds like you are either at your goal or almost...congrats! Did you post a pic somewhere that I missed? I can't wait to see your results in person.

btw ... Not sure if Mar told you, but I kept my pledge to drop 20lb by the 5 Boro Bike Ride...took off 5 more since (20 more to go):)

Jean T.