Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wed. 3.11.09
-2 hard boiled eggs at 8am
-tea with 2 bags
-Starbucks yogurt parfait at 8:30; only ate 2/3 of it.
-ate the rest of it at 11
-shrimp with garlic and onions; about 8 med. Shrimp at 1pm
-one small nut roll at 2:15
-small handful of the sun chips
-cauliflower with carrots/cheese mixture
-one of those wraps: pesto, grilled spinach/garlic/onions, mozzarella cheese
-3 glasses wine

Legs felt tired. I walked across central park and did a few things:
-2 sets of 8 jump lunges with my back pack on (probably 10 lb.)
-2 sets of push ups with the back pack to the park bench
-2 sets bench crunches

I was planning to do the same things plus some pull ups in the other park in between the next 2 clients, but it felt so cold out that I went to the gym:
-just did 2 sets of jump lunges and dumbbell rows and standing cable rotations. I was tired so that is all I did.

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