Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sat. 3.14.09
-1.5 slices pizza, in half slice intervals; one at 1:30, one at 2:15 and the third at 3:30
-went to my sister’s for dinner
-appetizers: small slices of toasted baguettes; had about 5 with tiny bit of
cream cheese and salmon
-my brother in law made cheese soufflé; it was great! He said there was
one cup of swiss cheese and 6 egg whites/4 yolks (or something like that)
in each dish; I ate almost half of one dish.
-salad; greens with some blueberries
-3 glass champagne
-several glasses of wine
-one half of a small cupcake; 2 really tiny cookies.
-went to a local play and had about 6 milk duds…what???

Wkt.-did a long slow jog; 70 min

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