Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tue. 1.27.09
I was craving a sandwich; egg whites, cheese on toast-delicious!!
-a handful of nuts
-small soup; lentils and veggies (thinking about getting more protein)
-one grapefruit
-huge (huge!) salad with mixed greens, veggies, (at least 4-5 cups total volume) veggie burger with cheese
-2 glasses wine

At the gym;
-40 min. elliptical
-20 min. on treadmill; walking at 3.1mph, 11% incline, then every 2 minutes, did 1 minute running at 5mph at same incline
-3 sets of crunches on BOSU with 25 lb wt. Got to start getting to those abs more!


DUGAN! said...

Hey Annette, I'm LOVING your blog, keep it up! You already look fabulous but good luck with the sixbyfifty goal. To mix it up, why don't you join me one day at 6:30 am at Hype Gym for Transform 28? Here is the website: www.faithfullyfitnyc.com

I've been doing this class since Jan 5th and feel leaner & more energetic...and ready for my XC Ski Marathon. But still have a long way to go for a 6 pack!

Unknown said...

Just found your blog from PTonTheNet and your honesty blew me away. Being a Personal Trainer also, I sometimes feel unable to keep myself fit because of the business of personal training. I must say, that age is a factor (I'm 58, 59 in August) and the work becames just that work. The midsection seems to be the first place to go!