Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tue. 2.28.09
Yogurt parfait. I felt bloated from eating more food and more protein. I have always felt my body doesn’t react well to a lot of protein, but the experiment is interesting. Going to go back to less food today (ugh-don’t know!).
-celery with crunchy peanut butter; about 1.5 tablespoon peanut butter and about 3 full pieces of celery
-about one cup asparagus/zucchini and one veggie burger
-1 apple
-small handful mixed nuts
-big salad with stir fried tempe; not a huge portion, but good sized.
-2 glasses wine

-rode my bike again; and that gets my legs so tired! Its anywhere from 7-9 miles one way depending on where I go first; and then can add a few more miles depending on how many more clients I have for the day. Today I got probably 22 miles total.
-outside, did 6 sets of 8-10 reps/basically to failure:
-bench crunches where my head is below the bench and you curl up; legs are swung over the backrest of the bench
-leg lowering; below the level of the bench
-3 sets of steep step ups but legs were tired

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