Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tue. 3.31.09
-Yogurt parfait from Starbucks at 8am
-at 10am I got a small container of crab salad-good!
--got a 2 pieces of Chilean sea bass and ate that between 11:30 and 2pm-really good!
-1 apple
-had 2 clients later in the day; so when I got home I had 1 piece of pizza in halves, plus a small piece of spinach roll-good day!
-2 glasses of wine

-didn’t feel like doing straight cardio. I had some extra time before one client so I did jump lunges with my backpack on (probably weighed 10-15lb). I did 7 sets of 8 jumps on each leg—that was hard and felt great!
-went to the gym a little later and did some weights;-kettle bell stuff: swinging it around the body for core challenge
-single arm swings (not sure of the terminology); where you hinge at the hip, bring the bell up and over so you catch it in your hand-up over your body.
-did 3 sets of heavy dumbbell rows, horizontal rows, overhead presses
-went to the mat and took a heavy med ball, put it between thighs and did leg lowering with knees bent-2 sets of 15
-just held a crunch position with the med ball in the same spot; about 20 sec.
-one set of side planks/bridges; 1 min. They are hard
-did slow tricep push ups; mainly negative as I can’t go down very far and push up; so did 2 sets of 8 negatives.
-2 sets of leg lowering; then holding. That was a great wkt!
Also walked around the city a lot between clients.

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