Monday, April 20, 2009

Fri. 4.17.09
-after my run I had a tiny Danish that was in hotel lobby-good but its so funny how while running I am telling myself that I am going to be so strict, and then I take that pastry!! Then a small chocolate cookie! But that was all for awhile.
-had a big salad for lunch, with some cheese and veggies
-then before my talk I had a bag of chips and a chocolate bar, can of diet coke----ok, there weren’t any other choices but I should have planed better.
-met a friend of ours that now lives in England and we went into town, had one small beer at a few different pubs, and then found a great restaurant and had dinner:
-3 glasses wine
-small salad
-salmon with veggies-really good!

Ran outside for one hour-very proud of myself for keeping up with the workouts. Then went to the gym and did 3 exercises with cable/heavy weight; standing chops, single arm presses/rotation and horizontal rows.
I feel those standing single arm exercises are important; need to get organized and make a plan for the remainder of my time.

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