Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mon. 2.27.09
Yogurt/granola/fruit parfait. Wanted to try and eat more protein, more often throughout the day.
-ate some celery with crunchy peanut butter-really good!
-3 oz. tuna in ready-made containers
-the same thing again 2 hours later
-frozen yogurt; at least with no sprinkles!
-at home I had 2 huge bowls of broth soup-veggie broth
-one bowl of asparagus and zucchini
-later on, huge salad/veggies with 1 veggie burger

I rode my bike so figured I would do core and upper body stuff:
-3 heavy wt. sets with cable:
-standing chops/abs
-standing rotation
-kneeling ab crunches
-single arm chest presses
-then overhead presses, rows with dumbbells
-then on the mat; several sets of leg lowering/holding.
-1set of the wheel rollouts.

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